Sunday, January 27, 2019

Cross Country Road Trip: California to New York 캘리포니아에서 뉴욕까지 미국남부여행!

We used to live in San Francisco bay area and still have lots of friends.  Instead of directly fly to our home in Ithaca, NY, we decided to spend some time with our friends in SF bay area and do a cross country road trip from SF bay area to upstate NY.  We've done the north part of U.S. when we moved to Montreal, Canada and it's getting cold so we did the southern part of U.S.A. from the beginning of October to Christmas eve.  I don't think I have lots of time for posting blogs about all the awesome places we visited and stayed so I will just do a blog about the whole trip. Of course, I will show you the food in the following blog :) - Too many food to post on this blog as you can guess if you know me

울 신랑이랑 첨 만나고 결혼하고 한곳이 샌프란시스코 동네.  아직도 친구들도 많고 해서 집으로 냉큼 오지 않고 뭐 일도 없겠다 울 신랑이랑 미국 남부를 쫘~악 여행하기로 했읍니다. 옛날에 북쪽은 몬트리올로 이사할때 한번 여행했어서 날도 춥겠다 가본적도 없겠다, 딱 남부! 결정!  10월1일부터 크리스마스 이브까지 아주 알찬 여행을 했읍니다.  궁금하시죠?

SF bay area - San Luis Obispo - Joshua Tree National Park - Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument - Santa Fe include many place around SF - Big Bend National Park - San Antonio - New Orleans - Memphis - Nashville - Home!

샌프란에서 샌루이스오비스포가서 와인너리갔다가 죠슈아나무 국립공원, 오르간파이프선인장공원 들렸다가 울신랑의 사랑 산타페에가서 한 6주간 머물렀고여 거기서 다시 남쪽 따뜻한 멕시코 국경지데에있는 빅밴드국립공원갔다가 뉴올리언즈에서 엄청 먹고 멤피스랑 내슈빌에서 바베큐 먹고 집에 왔읍니다.  나중에 멤피스 정도에서는 집에 바로 오고싶었어요. 여행가방으로 8월초부터 살았더니 느무 지겨워졌거든요.  암튼 돌아올 집이 있어서 얼마나 다행인지.

We stayed 1-5 days at the each location except Santa Fe - 6 weeks! and New Orleans - 2 weeks.


Short stop in Monterey, the home of the best aquarium, for lunch.  We very much appreciated all the clean air here in U.S.  We got lucky with air; after we left California, the fire started T.T

벌링게임에서 차로 몬트레이 와서 맛있는 점심.  날씨 좋고~

Monterey -> San Luis Obispo

Beautiful California Coast - One must take the highway 1! 

캘리에 올일있으시면 고속도로 1은 한번 쭉~욱 운전해주셔야해요.  느무 멋진 바다풍경

San Luis Obispo & Paso Robles

2 days in SLO & Paso Robles for wine tasting. 

나파나 소노마보다 유명하지는 않지만 사실 품질, 가격 괜찮은 동네. 나파랑 소노마는 한번 머물면서 와인너리 갈려면 연봉 날라가는데 이동네는 그정도는 아니죠 ㅋ

Amazing size Joshua tree!  It was a wonderful hike.  My husband saw most of the birds that he'd like to see in this hike. 

View from the top.  Amazingly the cell signal was super strong lol I sent texts and did FB while we were hiking :P  

울 나라 분들 그 유명한 캐년들 요세미티, 엘로우스톤 많이들 가시잖아요?  거기 다 가시고 다른곳 원하시면 여기 괜찮아요 

Understand why it's Organ Pipe Cactus? :) 

We were super lucky to see this shy lizard, Gila Monster

We stayed only one night in OPCNM area but next time we will stay longer.  It was a very nice monument without many tourists.  We were only one car driving the route.  There are several driving route inside park and some trails. The park is next to the boarder, bring your ID just in case :) 

완전 남쪽에있는 오르간파이프 선인장 공원.  왜 오르간파이프 선인장인지 모양보면 아시겠죠?  여기서 차로 멕시코가서 다들 마시고 파티하고 오는 동네거든요.  국경군인들 느무 많고... 그런데 이 공원아주 좋아요.  조용하고 관광객 별루 없고 특별한 환경의 공원, 꼭 와보시길. 

We scheduled our trip carefully for this ballon festival, buying all the advanced tickets for Gondola club (over $300 for both of us with parking and breakfast) and was very excited.  We imagined see this. 

Not my photo but I was soooooo excited to see and take photos like this but the reality was......

에잇! 이런걸 볼려고 티켓 예매하고 새벽부터 산타페에서 차 몰고 왔는데 비가오기 시작.  이동네는 비가 잘 오는 동네도 아니거든요.  완전 머피의 법칙  

This!  It was raining and the show was canceled.  T.T We had a breakfast and came back to Santa Fe. Oh well... Next time!

천막안에서 아침 먹고 산타페로 다시 왔어요 훌쩍 T.T

Santa Fe & around

Somehow Santa Fe got very early snow.  It was beautiful but the aspen tree lost their leaves very early.  If you ever come to Santa Fe,  make sure you arrive in the aspen season.   Breathtakingly beautiful~!  

산타페 아시죠?  현대차 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 여기에요!  뉴멕시코주에있는데요 고추로 아주 유명한곳.  음식도 울 한인 입맛에 잘 맞구요 알바퀄키(주도, 한시간거리)에는 한국분들도 꽤있는것 같았어요.  거기가게가서 라면사왔거든요 ㅋ 역쉬 한국인은 라면를 먹어야 힘이나요

Drive toward to Santa Fe Ski Basin and you can see lots of golden Aspen trees. 
여기는 아스펜나무로 유명, 앗 아스펫 나무가 사시나무레요 으흐흐흐 사시나무처럼 떤다가 이나무 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 예쁘다는 말은 읍시 떤다고.. 참으로 슬픈 
근데 포플러나무라고도 한다고  햇갈려..

갑자기 눈이와서 아스펜나무 볼려고 캘리에서 달려왔는데 막 잎사귀가 거의다 떨어졌어요. 그래도 멋진!

If you ever go to Santa Fe, you MUST go to this spa, Ten Thousand Wave.  Make sure that you make a reservation WAY~~ in advance.  Totally worth it! The best spa in the world 

정말 산타페에 왔다면 이 일본식 스파는 꼬~옥 와야한다는.  일본에있는 온센보다 난 여기가 더 좋아용.  근데 적금들어서 와야해요 느무 비싸 ㅋㅋㅋ

Chilies!  Beautiful & delicious chilies~ New Mexico is amazing that way!

Santa Fe Farmer's market.  Chile roaster, you don't see this often in U.S. 
미국에서는 고추들만 봐도 느무 기쁨. 뉴멕시코는 음식도 많이 맵고 느무 맛있어요 이 녀석들 땜시

Different kind of chili peppers everywhere.  Even Trader Joe's has the frozen roasted and peeled hatch chilies

Great mural next to the farmer's market. 

Chaco Culture National Historical Park

OMG! Chaco Canyon.  Amazing!  It's just out of nowhere :)  Unless you are in Albuquerque or Santa Fe, it's little hard to get.  But it's just amazing!  I don't even like camping but even the campsite was wonderful.  The water in the restroom isn't drinkable.  Make sure that bring lots of water with you!

차코캐년 느무 예술. 천년된 인디안 유적지.  캠핑 짱 싫어하는 저도 반한 캠핑장! 

The campsite!  The best ever! We were just at the Joshua Tree national park and all the campsites were little too tight and one can smell and hear all the things from next campers but this campsite, you got lots of space on your own and big space between each site.  Awesome!

One of the best pueblos, Pueblo Bonito

We hiked up to the Pueblo Alto.  The view was amazing and it was nice to see all the pueblos from the top. It was very windy - we went to Chaco canyon on Halloween day :) 

Super narrow hike up and down.  Make sure wearing proper hiking shoes

Extremely embarrassed by this graffiti.  Over thousand years old Pueblo Alto, this Korean person came all the way to this place and wrote he/she is handsome.  He/she must be super ugly for sure. 

딱 정중앙에! 정말 나라망신 다 시키는.... 천년된 유적지에 왠일이래.  얼짱은 무슨 완전 못생겼을 안팎으로 ㅉㅉㅉㅉ

About 45min drive from Santa Fe, Abiquiu is the home of Georgia O'Keeffe.  Driving toward to Abiquiu, Ghost Ranch, Taos and come back to Santa Fe is absolutely amazing.  

조지아 오키프라는 아주 유명한 화가가 살던 집인데요 이 집도 멋지지만 이 동네 느무 좋아요. 꼭~옥 드라이브해야할곳!

Georgia O'Keeffe house and Ghost Ranch tour was also wonderful.  Indeed she lived in very beautiful place. 

The same place as the photo below

Gerald Tree, still there in Ghost ranch :) 

차타고 달리다가 느무 멋져서 멈춰서 사진 딱! 

Driving Abiquiu to Ghost Ranch

Georgia O'Keeffe's favorite Mountain, Mt. Pedernal.  Her ash was spread on the top of the mountain.  

Just driving around, you see this kind of view.  Absolutely fantastic! 

그냥 도로 옆에 경치가 이래요.  울 나라였으면 국립공원 수준

No wonder Georgia O'Keefe fell in love with this land. 

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge

리오그란데라고 들어보셨죠? 콜로라도 주에서 멕시코만까지 흐르는 아주~ 큰강이에요
 3051킬로!! 한국은 남북 다 합한게 1100킬로니까 ㅋㅋ 한반도 3배정도 되는 강!  지리시간에 배운-  강이 다 깍은 협곡이에요. 

Wow!  We didn't know that the gorge is here.  It's near Taos.  Walking on the bridge was fun.  
다리 후들후들, 울 고소공포증 있는 오빠는 절대 못걸음 ㅋㅋㅋ. 

Beautifully preserved pueblo.  The tour was fun and informative. 

타오스에 있는 인디안 보호구역. 옛날 집에 잘보존되어있는곳.  

Museums in Santa Fe & Albuquerque

Santa Fe is the land of museums & arts.  You need several days for just visiting all the museums.  Additional to all the great exhibitions, all the museum stores are amazing : Many affordable goods for souvenirs, presents for friends and family. 
You must buy the museum pass - we entered many museums for free with the pass and sometime the workers just let us and our friend in without additional pay :)  AND you can get the discount at the museum shop.  

산타페는 정말 박물관들이 많아서 몇일 다녀야 다 갈수 있어요. 혹시 가실일있으시면 꼭 패스 사세요.  나의 사랑 기념품점이 완전 좋은 박물관들. 패스있으면 할인되요 ㅋ

I think she is absolutely beautiful!

Lots of galleries on the Canyon Road.  All free :)  We found several paintings that we can't live without.  Not all are expensive :)  Oneday isn't enough for this road.   Check out the Flamenco dance at El Farol: great way to finish your Canyon road gallery outing. 

This museum has a beautiful courtyard and wasn't that busy inside. 

Both Georgia O'Keeffe Painting at the New Mexico Museum of Art

Provocative painting and sculpture 

Small but wonderful Aluquerque Museum.  When we visited here there was a special exhibition, 28th annual Arts Thrive: one can buy the art! 

We fell in love this this painting and reserved right away and guess what!  We met the artist in Santa Fe plaza!  William Haskell, click here &  check out his website.  Just amazing!

알바퀼키에서 아트쇼에서 이 페인팅에를 샀거든요 느무 멋지죠?  근데 이 화가 아저씨가 산타페 플라자 옆 건물에 스튜디오가 있는거에요. 완전 예술!  울 신랑 이 화가 아저씨 만나서 거의 아이돌 만난기분 ㅋㅋㅋ  신랑이 들고있는게 울 그림 스케치레요.  

The painter William Haskell & my overjoyed husband. 

The galleries aren't refined as Santa Fe ones but much cheaper

산타페에서 알바퀄키 가는 길에 있는 마을.  작은 예술가들이 사는 마을이에요.  

San Francisco de Asis Catholic Church near Madrid, NM

One of the best places for birding.  The season was little too late for amazing birding but it was worth checking out.  We probably will go there again :) 
If you want, you can cross the border and come back.  Bring your passport & 4WD car! 

멕시코 국경에 있는 ( 완전 국경! 강건너면 멕시코에요) 리오그란데 강이 막 꾸불꾸불해서 이름이 빅밴드 국립공원!  점점 추워지니까 우리는 완전 따뜻한 남쪽동네로

Santa Elena Canyon- Easy but beautiful hike.  The other side of the water is Mexico!

The first time, the water was too high to cross but next day was ok to cross.  Follow the ribbon! - when you go there, you will understand what I am saying :P 

Kinda curious and want to go further but it wasn't possible. 

Tarantula spiders are everywhere! and it's hairy and huge.
길에 이 거미가 완전 많아요. 손바닥만한 크기 으흐흐흐 털이 북실북실

The famous Texas Long Horn.  Correct name for it for sure :P
Unfortunately between the tarantula & the longhorn, our car broke down but saved by a nice and kind Texan family.  Thank you again!!!

After 2 days staying at a room because of our car, finally we drove inside park!  Lucky with the weather again. 

Chisos Basin - has a nice campsite but we stayed at the lodge because it was too cold :) Next time we will probably stay at this lodge for a while.  It has several amazing trails, restaurant, shop and visitor center.

역쉬 공기는 국립공원이 짱.  이 국립공원은 제주도 만해요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

The window trail - Wow!  It was a perfect morning hiking. I was trying to do a selfy and made my husband very nervous.  It could be totally a dangerous selfy place :P  We also saw lots of birds like Mexican Jay, Canyon rock bird and etc

셀피 찍을려고 하다가 울 신랑한테 혼나고 ㅋㅋㅋ 셀피 찍다 사고 당할딱 좋은 장소. 

Boquillas Canyon Trail  
The other side is Mexico! Super cool 
걸어서 멕시코 갈수 있는 ㅋㅋㅋ 이 강건너가 멕시코에요.  건너면 불법!

View of Rio Grande from the Boquillas Canyon trail
강 오른쪽이 미국 왼쪽이 멕시코

San Antonio

We stayed one night in San Antonio and it was great.  The river walk was great.  The boat tour was fun too. 

뉴올리언즈까지 운전하기엔 느무 멀어서 하루 멈춰준 샌안토니오.  생각보다 아주 괜찮았어요.  강옆에 쫙~악 잘 해놓은

New Orleans

Yay! New Orleans!  I've always wanted to come here and finally I am here!  Food is amazing, safer than I expected ( we were in safe places, of course), people are super nice except when they driving :) 

드디어 그리던 뉴올리언즈! 몇번 갈려고 하다가 기회가 않되서 못가다가 드디어 입성! 레스토랑 음식들 예술이고 사람들도 아주 나이스하고- 운전할때 빼고 ㅋㅋㅋ 양보 안해줘서 고속도로에서 막 못나간적도 있어요 ㅋㅋㅋ

French Quarter
Personally onetime walk through Bourbon st. was more than enough.  Avoid to go all the famous place in the weekend.  Wow it was crazy! ( not good crazy :P)

The most touristy thing we've ever done!  There was a guy with these exotic birds walking toward to us and we admired them.  The guy said we can take photos with the birds if we pay him little tips so here we are!  :P 
프렌치 쿼터걸어가는데 어떤 아저씨가 이 앵무새 두마리를 들고 가길레 우왕~ 했더니 자기한테 팁주면 사진 찍을수 있다고 ㅋㅋㅋ 그래서 왜모! 하면서 사진 딱! 살아있는 새에요 

귀여운 옥수수들

The server from the K-Paul recommended this festival, the Luna Fête  It was smaller than France Lyon one but still cool!  There was a small artist market at the park and we got a cute souvenir. 

Canal st. night view

Friday afternoon in French Quarter

NOLA is indeed a foodie city :) 
박물관에도 음식ㅋ

Groomy Sunday, what you'd do?  We went to the cemetery tour!  You can see the Marie Laveau tomb and Nicolas Cage's future tomb :)  
유명한 마리르보 부두교 거의 교주 언니 무덤  이 공동묘지 안에 니콜라스 케이지 무덤예정지도 있어요. 세금안네서 나라에서 전재산 압수 했는데 묘지예정지는 나라에서 건딜수 없는 곳이레요 ㅋ

It's next to the famous restaurant, Toups South. You can take a drink from the restaurant.  How sensible.  You can also learn all about Absinthe, BBQ and Popeye's :) 

Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife

My birder husband went to this place several times.  It has a very nice path that you can walk very comfortably.  What's the difference between March, Bayou, Swamps & Wetland?

울 신랑은 새를 느무 사랑  한국에서도 군산을 엄청 갔었어요 새보러.  여기서도 여전히 ㅋ

 Cajun Country Swamp & Plantation Tour

Unfortunately it was a rainy day but it was very interesting.  I am glad that the tour guides at the Laura plantation didn't try to hide all the horrible facts. 
슈렉이 살거같은 늪지대 

Oak Alley Plantation 
옛날 사탕수수를 노예들을 이용해서 키우던 곳  슬픈 역사가 있는 곳이죠

Laura Plantation

The famous Garden district tour - We downloaded a Garden district tour map and walked around. 
뉴올리언즈가 옛날엔 완전 부자 동네였었거든요. 지금도 여기는 부자동네 거의 모든집들이 멘션들

I've read John Grisham books and been thinking about Memphis BBQ forever.  Well, the BBQ was good, staying at the Peabody hotel was cool ( briefly admired the ducks :P) but we aren't Elvis Presely fan and no desired to go to the graceland.  But my student from Woosong in Korea is doing his internship in Memphis so it was worth it.  Next time, we will probably skip this town. 

Peabody hotel lobby 
학생때 존그리샴 소설 읽으면서 멤피스에서 바베큐를 꼭 먹으리라했었는데 드디어 왔어요.  근데 동네는 빌루.  엘비스가 살던곳이 있는곳이라서 그걸루는 유명한 근데 전 엘비스에 관심 읍고 ㅋㅋㅋ 우성졸업한 울 학생이 멤피스에서 인턴쉽하고 학교준비하고 있어서 만났어요.  완전 반가운

잭다니엘이라고 아시나요? 유명한 위스키 증류소에왔어요.  아침부터 빈속에 위스키 테이스팅, 여행의 묘미죠 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

It was a fun place to stop before Nashville.  We had Jack shots for breakfast. 

Amazingly small distillery considering that they are one of the best selling whisky brands. 

We loved Nashville.  We definitely go to Nashville again.  Food was amazing.  Museums were great.  The lodging was still affordable.  BBQ was super yummy.  We didn't go to any music bar but I bet it's great too. 
내슈빌 완전 기대도 않했는데 완전 좋았어요.  음식도 예술이고 나름 큰도시라서 갈곳도 많고 박물관도 좋고 또 가고싶은도시! 

Is it looks like the Barad-dûr, Dark Tower?  I wish AT & T put the Eye on Halloween or something. It'd be super cool :P 

저 건물 완전 사우론 눈달면 딱이지 않겠어요?

Honky Tonk bar on Broadway st.  음악으로 유명한 도시라서 점심부터 새벽까지 라이브 음악이

View of Downtown Nashville from John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge

The Parthenon & 42-foot statue Athena
그리스에있는 아테네 신전 딱 본따서 만든 곳. 아테네상이 좀 이상하긴 하지만 한번 가볼만한곳

Great museum, Frist art museum! - One of my favorite museums in the world! The building was super cool, Art Deco all over It use to be a post office.  This museum doesn't have a permenant collection.  When we were there the exhibition was about 1900 France, Bell Epoch!

프리스트 미술관! 건물 자체가 예술! 아트데코가 뭔지 알고싶은분들은 이곳으로 쓩~ 

The building itself is an art. 

옛날에 내슈빌 중앙우체국이었데요. 

우리가 간날 전시되었던 프랑스 1900 그림들

She looks like my friend's daughter!

Nashville-> Ithaca

We planned to go to Asheville, Biltmore mansion, but the weather was horrible: big rain storm was moving north to south.  So we decided to come directly to Ithaca.  Well! Again unfortunately our car broke down so we stopped in the middle of nowhere, Roanoke, Virginia.  It was promptly fixed - we got lucky! It was Friday night right before Christmas. 
Now we are back to our home in Ithaca, NY.  Enjoying(?) snow and cold weather :) It is a great weather for staying at home & doing blog.  Wait for the next blog, Food! It'd be amazing :)

애슈빌에있는 빌트모어 맨션 갈려고 했는데 폭우가 쏟아져서 그냥 취소.  또 열심히 달리고 있는데 차 망가져서 중간에 그냥 시골 동네에서 하룻밤 지내고, 그래도 완전 복받아서 그다음날 아침에 바로 차 고치고 집에 도착! 휴~우 사실 한국에서 8월초에 미국와서 지금까지 여행가방가지고 5계월간 살다가 집에 오니까 느~~~~무 좋아요.  글쵸! 배부른 소리죠 ㅋㅋㅋ  그래도 이제 집정리도 끝났고 집밖은 느무 추워서 못나가니까 집에서 이렇게 블로그 하고 놀아요. 이거 다음 블로그는 미국 여행중 먹은 음식들.  기대하세요!