Carcassonne! It's not only a fun board game but also an actual city in southwest France. We've been playing the Carcassonne for a long time since it's a good game to play by 2 people. It's about 2 hour train ride from Montpellier so we decided to go there as soon as possible when we arrived to France. Well! we arrived in Oct. 26th and went there in Nov. Just you know, Do not go anywhere in south France in November; It's coldest and wettest month in year! Who knew! Anyway, it was still an amazing fortified city. Avignon was amazing with all the palace, the fort, the bridge and everything inside city but I like Carcassonne more! I'd love to visit here again when the weather is better and warmer.
깔까쏜 - 칼카손이라고 발음하면 프랑스 사람들이 못알아듯심 - 정말 용이 불을 뿜고 공주님 왕자님이 살것같은 성. 정말 튼튼하게 지어서 역사상 절대 적이 침공을 한적이 없다는… 너무 예쁘고, 주변도 예쁘고 ,음식도 맛있었고, 작아서 그냥 막걸어다녀도 성이 그대로 보여서 길잀어버릴 염려 없는 곳. 내 맘에 딱! 드는 깔까쏜!
View from the newer city. It was cloudy and raining but still so beautiful. 새로확장된 옆동네 에서 걸어가는 길에 보이는 성. 너~ 무 예뼈! 동화속 같심
The entrance to the city 성 입구. 저 보이죠? 너무 추었었심… 11월은 너무 추워 ㅋ 근디 영하로 안내려 같다는 그냥 아주 으슬으슬하고 바람이 장난아니였심
Are you familiar with the game? If we complite this city, we will get huge points since there is a Cathedral :P I placed my husband as a Green Guy in the game :P 깔까쏜 게임 해본적 있으신감? 울 신랑이랑 나랑 같이 한잔 하면서 하는 보드게임인데 뭐 해본사람만 알수있는 ㅋ
Aren't they so cool? Inside the city, there are many touristy shops and restaurants- Not all bad at all.. 성곽 안에는 아주 예쁘고 귀여운 가게랑 식당들이 많이 있는데요 뭐 이상하고 관광객 전용 가게도 있지만 꽤 괜찮은 곳도 많았다는…
Basilica of St. Nazaire and St. Celse. Because of this Basilica, we will get 3 points per segment :)
깔까쏜 성당 밖과 안. 작지만 예쁜..
Carcassonne is famous for the Cassoulet. I had to eat, right? It was very good. My loyal husband said mine is actually better than this :P but it was pretty good. We like this restaurant a lot so we went back next day. The server was very nice! 깔까쏜은 이 케술레가 아주 유명한곳인데요 제가 안먹어줄순 없죠. 맛있었고 분위기도 괜찮은 식당. 그 다음날 다시 가서 그 식당 서빙 오빠가 기뻐했다는…
A cemetery right outside of the cité. 공동묘지인데 예쁜.. ㅋ
We were back to the new cité for dinner. It was a good restaurant, but not so memorable :) 우리저녁을 먹어준 식당. 뭐그리 나쁠것도 뭐그리 예술일것도 아니였던 식당.
Look at my husband. He couldn't pass the naked beautiful lady in the park :P 11월은 정말 관광객 정말 없었다는.. 일요일 아침인데 정말 1킬로 반경에 울 딱 두명 관광객. 울 신랑 저렇게 까지 ㅋㅋㅋ
We decided to walk around the Canal du midi. It was great! 일요일 아침에 동네 강 한바퀴 돌기로 함. 너무 좋았심.. 여긴 정말 뭐 쬐만한 땅덩어리 있으면 다 와인밭!
While walking around the river, we found this secret pass. 강 주변 둘러보다가 성으로 올라오는 길을 발견해줌! 대박!
Of course, we had to go to a Irish pub to play the Carcassonne game and drink pints of Guinness :) It was great trip even though the weather was awful.
깔까쏜에 가서 깔까쏜 게임하는게 우리 계획이었는데 정말해주심! 날씨만 빼면 아주 완벽한 여행이었읍니다!
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